Papers, 1923-1977, n.d.


Papers, 1923-1977, n.d.

The collection (1923-1977, n.d.) contains correspondence, reports, financial records, minutes, newspaper clippings, photographs, subject files, copies of bills, and printed materials. The bulk of the collection documents Erskine's involvement with the Izaak Walton League of America and his legislative career. Correspondents include Jay N. "Ding" Darling, Ira Gabrielson, Jack Horn, Harold E. Hughes, Hubert H. Humphrey, Carroll Lane, Frank H. Mendell, Sigurd F. Olson, Robert D. Ray, and Bruce F. Stiles. The conservation materials mainly include documents related to the Izaak Walton League of America, but there are also documents related to the Floyd Valley Watershed Association, Woodbury County Conservation Board, Iowa State Conservation Education Conference, and the Waterfowl Conference. Much of the Izaak Walton League materials document Erskine's involvement in the organization, both locally and nationally; also included is general information such as meeting minutes, newsletters, reports and publications. In addition, there are investigations and reports on water pollution and flood control. Legislative materials correspondence, subject files, committee files, conservation materials, reports, bills, news releases, and testimonies. Most of the subject files are a part of the committee materials, but also include topics related to conservation and other issues. Correspondence includes incoming and outgoing constituent correspondence and correspondence with other legislators and organizations.

11.76 linear ft. (27 document boxes, 2 half-document boxes).

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